Saturday, May 19, 2012

Weekend Blog

I hope everyone is having a great weekend.  I am really enjoying mine!
Here is an article about light for Portrait Photography.  I have taken three different Studio Photography Classes and each instuctor said something different.  I think the lighting you choose is part of the artistic part of the equation.  I tell people at the studio that if they like how their shots are turning out then they are doing it "right".  I, personally, like the the traditional 3 light system with the main and fill lights at 45 degree angles to the subject and an overhead hair light.  You will need to experiment to see what light set up gives you the desired results.
Here is an article by my friend, Valerie Jardin, about finding things in and around your home to photograph.  You do not have to spend tons of money in order to find interesting subjects to shoot.  I think we miss lots of interesting shots because we are not aware of how beautiful some ordinary things can be.

I went on a Photo Walk Saturday morning which was a Meet Up Event.  There was a lot of road construction causing traffic jams so some of the participants were late.   We walked throught the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary in St. Paul.   My favorite part shooting the former Lower Town Depot which has been vacant for some time.   It was very hot and windy so we were pretty thirsty when we were done.  Here is  link to some my shots.
Here is one situation I do not want to ever find myself in:
Here is the Thought for The Day courtesy of  The Happiness Project:

“No man knows how bad he is till he has tried very hard to be good...Only those who try to resist temptation know how strong it is.”
-C.S. Lewis

Thank you for reading my Blog!
Becky McGuire

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