Saturday, April 7, 2012

Rainy Day Blog

It has been raining all morning here in Minnesota.  We really need the rain but I wish it would come during the week instead.  One thing Minnesotans learn is how to carry on despite the weather.  They just add clothes that suit the weather. 
I had so much fun with my new Photo Buddy, Tina, on Thursday.  We drove to Willow River State Park in Wisconsin.  We had to hike about a mile down to the Willow River Falls.  The hike back up carrying tripods and backpacks was a killer.  We shot pictures for about three hours.  We were practicing shooting the "Angel Hair" effect.  I had my camera on Manual at F22 at about a half second shutter speed.  It was sunny so we used a Polarizer and a Neutral Density Filter.  Here is a link to some of the shots I took from my Facebook page:
Here is a link to the Willow River State Park Facebook Page:
Here is an article about shutter speed which ties in with the technique I used for my waterfall pictures.  There are a number of other fun things you can experiment with using slow shutter speeds.  It is so much fun!
If you would like to get more practice with your Photography and meet other people with the same interest, consider joining a Meet Up Photography Group.  There are a number of different groups from beginner to advanced levels.  You will learn so much from these people and learn where the best spots are for photos in the area.  Here is link to one of the Meet Up Photography groups:
Yesterday I had to go to a funeral in the morning.  It was for the Dad of one of my friends from High School.  It was quite sudden so it was a shock for the family.  As you get older you end up going to more funerals.  There were about eight of my classmates at the funeral.  We all went out for lunch after the funeral.  We had so much fun.  We decided to call ourselves the YaYas and Bob because it was all gals except for Bob.  It kind of sounds like a Baby Boomer band.
I hope everyone has a great time with friends and family for Easter.  Thank you for reading my Blog!
Becky McGuire
Visit us on Face Book

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