Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday Wonderings

Happy Wednesday everyone.  Half way through the work week already.   It is down hill to the weekend now.  Today is a beautiful day here in Minnesota.  I just love this time of year.
Here is an article listing five things you can do to get better pictures.  One of the most important things is to learn your camera settings so you get off of Auto Mode.  One little turn of that dial can make all the difference in how your shots turn out.   Take the time to read your camera's instruction manual and practice, practice, practice!
Here is an article about my favorite type of Photography, flowers.  I can spend hours shooting flower pictures in Macro Mode.  If the wind is blowing try using a faster shutter speed or if you are using a Point & Shoot camera turn the dial to the runner icon.  Bring some water in a spray bottle to get some cool water droplets shots.

Today's How I Took It Photo was taken with my Olympus E510 SLR camera, F5, 1/200th of a second, ISO 100, hand held.  It was a cloudy day which gives you nice even light.
The folks at Digital Days are coming to town to teach some Photography Classes this summer.  The Minneapolis Classes are August 4th & 5th.  You can register at the link below.
Here is today's Thought For The Day:
"True friendship isn't about being inseparable., it's being separated & nothing changes."  author unkown, from My Attitude-My Life-My Rules website.
Thank you for reading my Blog!
Becky McGuire

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