Monday, June 18, 2012

Good Bye Miracole's Candy Shoppe

If you did not read my Weekend Blog, you may not have heard that Miracole's Candy Shoppe has closed it's doors.  The store was doing great and all the customer's loved it which made having to close that much more difficult.  My husband has retired and he wants to travel in our motor home and my business partner did not want to run the store.  We tried to find a buyer for the store but we did not get any offers.  I am consumed with guilt having to disappoint my customers.   I hope someone will come in and open up a store some time in the future.  I had a lot of fun running the store and I will miss all of my customers.  Thank you to you all.
One of my favorite vendors for the store was Camba Jewelry by Kristin Krull.  Check out her great designs.!/CambaJewelry
On our two month trip to Montana & Canada, I will be blogging from the road and posting pictures on line of our journey so stay tuned.  We plan to leave Minnesota July 1st and be gone for 2 monthes.
I went to the dentist this morning because I thought I had lost a filling.  Fortunately, I did not and I just had chip in my crown which they buffed so it was smooth.  They did not even charge me!  I had myself all stressed out about.  I hate going to the dentist so this was a best case scenario.
Disneyland has a new theme park based on the cars movie.  If you have someone in your house who loved that movie then this is a must see.  I found a lot of pictures of the new park on a Disney Blog.  As always, Disney did a great job!

Today's How I Took It Photo is one I took at the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory in St. Paul, MN.  My Meet Up Photography group was able to get into the Conservatory before the general public which allowed us to use our tripods.  I shot this with my Olympus E 510 SLR camera, Manual Mode, F2, 1/500the of a second, ISO 400 with my 50mm Olympus Macro lens.  The blurry dreamy effect is called Bokeh.
Here is a great UTube video that teaches you how to use bad light to your advantage.  The best light is in the morning and in the evening but sometimes you have not choice about when you are shooting.
The Thought For The Day:
"Ask yourself this question:  Will this matter a year from now?" by  Richard Carlson, author of the Don't Sweat The Small Stuff book.
Thank you for reading my Blog!
Becky McGuire, CTC, MCC
Vacation Travel Specialist

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