Friday, June 15, 2012

Beautiful June Day

TGIF everyone.  We made it through another week.  After a very stormy Thursday, it is a nice day today.  I talked to a friend of ours today who lives in Cannon Falls, MN and she said they got 9 inches of rain yesterday.  They are asking the residents along the Cannon River to evacuate.  They are forcasting more rain for tomorrow.  Yikes, it is scary.  If you should come across a flooded road, do not try to drive through the water.  Just 6 inches of water can make a car float.  Be safe out there.
This one really touched me.  It is written by a 20 year old College Student who had to give up her dream of being a professional Violinist.  She was given a camera as a gift and it has helped her to fill the void that not playing the violin left and helped her work through her depression.  For me, going out and shooting always helps me get through what ever challenges I am facing in other areas of my life.  Photography gives me joy.
Speaking of Art here are some really cool creations made out strips of paper.  It is called Quilling.  I really admire people who have the talent and patience to do this.  Really cool.  Thank you to Stumble Upon for sharing this one.
Today's How I Shot It Photo was one I took when I was bored.  I had some old 45's my sister had given me so I spread them out on the floor in front of a window with a reflector to bounce the window light back on the records and started shooting.  I used my Olympus E510 SLR Camera, Manual Mode, F4, 1/60th of a second, ISO 100, hand held.  In post processing with my Corel PaintShop Pro 4X software, I converted it to Black and White. 
With Father's Day coming up, I am sure a lot of us will be shooting family group shots this weekend.  Here is an article that will give you some tips.  If your shots have some people with their eyes closed see yesterday's Blog about Photo Merging.  Yesterday's Blog.  Group Photography Tips.
Here is a recipe from one of my favorite TV personalities, Ty Pennington for Beer Brats.  Brats are not my favorite food but most guys love them.  It would be a nice thing to make for Father's Day.
Todays Thought For The Day:
Trust takes years to build, but seconds to break and forever to repair."  from the My Atitude-My Life-My Rules website.
Thank you for reading my Blog!
Becky McGuire, CTC, MCC
Vacation Travel Specialist

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