Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday Fun

Happy Friday everyone.  Have fun this weekend and stay safe.
Here is a Pet Peeve of mine with many companies but the cell phone and cable TV companies are the worst.  Why can't you pay for the services you use?  Instead, everything is bundled so you end up paying for things that are of no use to you.  I wanted to drop internet access on just one of our cell phones and was told that I had to take it for both of our phones or none of them.  That makes no sense to me!  OK, I am now done ranting & raving for now. 
Here is an article about foods that should not be refrigerated.  I knew some of these but there were some I did not know about.
This is for all you Bob Dylan music fans out there.  Thank you Minnesota History Center!
Today's How I Shot It photo:
Minneopa Falls, Mankato, MN
This was shot with my Olympus E510 SLR camera, F22, 3.2 seconds with ISO 100.  It is best to do this on a cloudy day with a neutral density filter.  You must use a tripod and an off camera trigger or use your camera's timer.  
Here is a link to a series of free Photography Classes.  Very cool!
To honor our veterans, I am posting this link to a UTube video of a returning soldier and his dog.  Thank a veteran this weekend everyone.
Funjet Vacations is having a Las Vegas sale.  There are some really great prices if you do not mind triple digit temperatures in the desert heat. 
Here is a link to to the Downtown Lakeville Businesses website.  It has a list of the up coming events in Downtown Lakeville.
Today's Thought For The Day:
"Being strong isn't something you choose to do, it is something you are forced to do when being weak is not an option."  from The Cowgirl's Way.
Thank you for reading my Blog!
Becky McGuire

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