Friday, August 31, 2012

Road Trip Recollections

Hi everyone.  I hope you have something fun planned for this Labor Day Weekend.  We are planning to drive to Las Vegas on Saturday to see our friend who is in the hospital there.  We will do lunch at our favorite restaurant, Ventana's in Henderson.  On the way home we plan to stop in Laughlin for some shopping.  Make it a fun & safe weekend.
While we were in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho we took a drive over to the old town of Wallace, Idaho.  It was a mining town that is listed on the National Historic Register.  There are lots of cool old buildings, a bordelo museum, a train museum and lots of cool shops and restaurants.  We took a 40 minute trolley tour of the town and the surrounding area.  We got to see some mines that are still in use as well as some of the abandoned mines.  It is a great place to visit if you are into Photography.  Here is a link to some of the photos I posted on Facebook:
The next day we left for our next destination of Omak, Washington.  We drove through Spokane, Washington which looks like every other large city in America.  We drove through a lot of wheat fields.   We stopped at Coullee Dam and took some pictures.  We then drove North throught the Collville Indian Reservation.  Here is a link to some of the shots I took that day:
This is a list of unusual hotels compiled by Trip Advisor. 
Here is an article explaining Depth Of Field in Photography.  This really means how much of the shot you want in focus or blurred out.  I love to make the background blur out when I am shooting flowers and portraits.  There is no right or wrong with this.  It just depends on how you want your shot to look.
Here is today's Thought For The Day:
"Rejection doesn't mean you aren't good enough; it means the other person failed to notice what you have to offer." by Mark Amend on the Live Life Happy Website.
Thank you for reading my Blog!
Becky McGuire, CTC, MCC
Vacation Travel Specialist

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