Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Posing Tips For Family Portraits

With Easter coming up, I thought I would devote this blog to helping you get better pictures at your family gathering.  Below is a picture of some of my Grandkids taken last December.
One of the advantages to being in a camera club is the opportunity to learn from other club members.   Below are some tips from my Photography friend, Mark Freier.  Thank you Mark!
So the sister is bringing her family for a group shot. She sends a "by the way" saying she would also like you to do her daughter's graduation pictures at the same time (great).
What are some of the things you need to ask:
How many are going to be in the group photo? It is important. If she said there are going to be 5, then you can picture in your mind how you are going to pose them. You can look on the Internet for group pictures of that number. Be careful, because if one doesn't show up, that changes the arrangement. If 6 show up, that is even worse.
The big day is here:
They start to arrive. You may want to have some coffee for them or something for them to do while they wait for the others to arrive.  With the technical part out of the way, you can relax and get that group shot that will make everyone happy (except for the sister because she didn't smile on any pictures). It happens!!
You are happy with what you have, and it took less than 10 minutes because you were prepared.
If you want more tips for photographing groups of people check out this article from our friends at Picture Correct.
 Today's Thought For The Day:
"We can only know others by ourselves."  by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Thank you for reading my Blog!
Becky McGuire, CTC, MCC
Vacation Travel Specialist

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