Sunday, January 13, 2013

Mission Complete

Hi Everyone.  I hope everyone has recovered from the Holidays.  I am so glad I got my Christmas decorations taken down before we left Arizona.  I am writing this from Minnesota which is explained below.   It is good to see family and friends but I am not enjoying the weather.
My mission is complete.  We had to a haul a vehicle to Minnesota and then pick one up to bring back to Arizona for some friends.  It so happened that our sons birthday fell on the same week so we were able to surprise him which was a lot of fun.
Here is a fun website which is a collection of interesting and often quirky hotels around the world.  It is called Unusual Hotels Of The World.    It has beautiful photos of the properties.  There are ice hotels, castles and even a hotel in an old prison.  The properties are graded by there wow factor.  These properties will not appeal to everyone but if you are looking for something unique, you will like this site.
You can learn a lot by studing other Photographer's work.  Here is a list some of the most famous Photographers of all time courtesy of Picture Correct.  Enjoy.
Here is an article I came across about shooting during the Golden Hour which is early morning or sunset.  The light is beautiful at that time of day and you can get some beautiful shots no matter what you are shooting.
I know we all want to try not to buy anything we do not need.  Here is a list of things that are worth investing in.
Here is the Thought For The Day:
"It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters, in the end."  by Ursala K. LeGuin.
Thank you for reading my Blog!
Becky McGuire, CTC, MCC
Vacation Travel Specialist

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